Join The Core Group
To glorify God through the fulfillment of the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20) in the spirit of the great commandment (Matthew 22:37-39).
At this time if you sense the Lord leading you to be a part of Église Doxa, we would like to invite you to commit to the Core Group. Saying yes to the Core Group means that:
You are fully aligned with our mission, vision, values, and distinctives.
- You are willing to submit to the leadership of Église Doxa Elders.
- You have prayed, and God is compelling you to help launch Église Doxa.
- You will be contagious by telling others about Église Doxa.
- You will serve with joy and humility, sacrificing your level of comfort in order to bless others.
- You have healthy motives for joining the core group.
- To the best of your ability, you will make a healthy church transition.
- You are prepared for the constant change of church planting (flexibility).
- You realize sacrifice will be the norm – not the exception.
- You are aware of and committed to prepare for spiritual warfare through prayer.
- You are committed to financially support the vision of Église Doxa in proportion to your income
If you are still undecided about joining the Core Group and want to stay informed about Église Doxa, then please click here so that we can joyfully keep you updated about how the Lord is leading and guiding this process.
We are very expectant as to what the Lord will continue to do as we seek Him to continue to advance His kingdom for His glory!
Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you
Whether you would like to be a part of our core group or simply ask a question, we’re listening.